Missions at ACC

Missions at ACC

We want to make a difference around the world as well as in our own backyard. Between mission trips, orphan care, and homeless family outreach, we have many ways for you to experience sharing the gospel.


We put together two trips a year to serve in Guatemala. One goes during July and one during the Humble ISD October break. We partner with Promise Land Ministries in Guatemala to help build homes, provide medical clinics, as well as children’s outreach. Each trip is different and the projects change year to year.

This year’s trips are:

June 28th – July 5th

October 11th – October 19th

Download the interest form here.

Local Outreach
Local Outreach

We currently have groups in the church that provide orphan care and operate a foster closet as well as serve a local homeless family ministry called Family Promise. We also have a week every year that we call Love Week where all of our small groups do a service project in the community and then we come together on a Sunday with a few large service projects instead of our normal service.